Monday, April 13, 2015

A Step Into the Darkness

First post!

I suppose an introduction is in order.
I’ll start by admitting that this post has taken me about…four years to write. Sitting in church four years ago, an idea popped into my head to start a blog. A place to share my thoughts, struggles, stories, and faith with the great big world of the Interweb. But no sooner did I try to start, then I found myself bogged down by the minutiae of blogging and a varied host of fears and insecurities and the blog idea was shelved temporarily.
Next came moving to Seattle, grad school for my husband, and the arrival of our third child. Needless to say, life has been very busy. However, over the years, that desire to start returned again and again. I even had times when I woke up in the night and scribbled ideas in a notebook, but in the end it always ended the same: fears, then second guessing, then more foot-dragging.

One of the big reasons behind my anxiety over starting a blog was the question: WHY?
Why write a blog? With all that is out there, what do I really have to contribute?  I have no vast knowledge or particular talent to share. My cooking and crafting skills are…well, let’s say, “under construction.” Who would ever want to read a blog about a very average person who is currently struggling to figure it all out?!

Then I started to think, I suspect we all feel like that “average person” some days. We all feel inadequate and hopeless at times. Our lives aren’t always “Pinterest- ready.” Normally those are the kind of things I make an effort not to share. But I decided take that proverbial “step into the darkness” and open my life to you; the good, the bad, and messy.  

Thanks for reading!


 **A couple of disclaimers**
  1. I am not a writer, nor am I a spokesperson for my church. This blog will be more of a journal than journalism.
  2. Grammar…well, let’s just say my use of grammar has been labeled  “creative.” But I welcome any help offered on that point.

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