Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wilderness Wandering and A Challenge!

I have been reading a children’s Old Testament with my kids at night. They are really quite into it, which makes me happy, though it has led to some pretty interesting evening discussions –“he did what to Goliath’s head?”

As we were reading the story of the Israelites in the wilderness, I couldn't help but notice some disturbing parallels to my life. There the Israelites are: finally free from captivity, heading for a promised land, given manna from heaven, guided day and night by God, and what do they do? A whole lot of complaining and messing up.

It’s kind of unbelievable how many times they wish they were back in Egypt! Really? You mean the place where you were poorly treated slaves? So, because of their unbelief and disobedience, they have to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. It is easy to wonder why they had such a hard time being grateful and following simple instructions.

But when I really thought about it, I am not much different. I have been very blessed in my life in every way. Yet, lately, it feels like I have been spiritually “wandering in the wilderness.” And, like the Israelites, it’s due to my unbelief. When I say “unbelief,” I don’t mean that I don’t believe. My belief in God is solid, but if I am totally honest with myself, I have become a little lazy in actively seeking to be close to Him. 

I have found it difficult to read my scriptures with consistency, and have done more than my fair share of complaining. I believe that it is possible to feel God’s guidance and peace in life. I have felt it before. And one of the surest ways to do this is through daily, meaningful scripture study and prayer.

All of these thoughts led me to decide to start a new challenge; I am going to read my scriptures every day for at least 30 minutes. I will blog about it as often as possible as a way to be accountable.

So join along if you would like, or just check in to keep me honest!

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